See what the T2M Clients are saying about their experience:
Long Course Multi-day Ultra Cycling
“I really believe working with you and the focused training had me much better prepared for this race than I was last year (when self-coached). Besides the cycling workouts, the strength/core exercises helped a lot in my ability to be in the aerobars or drops for hours. I think the dedicated trainer time helped me prepare for the heat that occurred while I was in Missouri. Overall, it all helped for much more productive riding, and I felt great nearly the entire race.”
“Greg is very structured and data driven, and very scientific about training methodology. He mapped out a plan for me which built up my both my stamina and power. By the time summer came, I was considerably better equipped and more fit cyclist than I was the prior year. I was riding around six days a week for more or less 8 months. It wasn’t all long riding, but much harder than I was used to doing. Greg is a great communicator and that worked really well. We were both committed to finding out what worked for me. He’s a great listener in terms of hearing my feedback as well as looking at data. ”
“Greg was great. It was clear right away that he is very scientific and evidence-based in his approach, and I quickly developed a deep confidence in how he went about coaching. I spent a good amount of time indoors on the trainer during a rainy Oregon spring. The trainer allows for efficient, focused training that I could squeeze in before work. Greg was less focused on pushing the volume of miles and instead had me training at higher intensities than I was accustomed. My body responded well to it, and that gave me a lot of confidence going into the race.”
“Reading blogs on the TABR I discovered my awesome coach, Greg Grandgeorge, of Tri2Max who at the time had coached the record holder, top female, and other solid TABR riders. Since then I have had a training schedule that included up to 30 hours of riding a week, a ride form St Louis, MO to Yorktown, VA and six weeks of training in Australia. Greg has provided valuable information on training, helped me build my fitness and power, as well helped with race strategy and planning... he was a big part of my success at TABR. ”
“Thank you so much for helping me get my season on track. I feel REALLY GOOD. Being able to hit the power numbers that I’ve been hitting in the middle of big mileage weeks is something I have never been able to do before, and not feel like crap. So thank you for taking all of this on and helping me. I’m very optimistic about the future.”
“Thanks so much Greg Grandgeorge! You are an amazing architect, and you brought me to a place I didn’t know I could get to for Tour Divide. I’m forever grateful to you!”
Intermediate Ultra Cycling Events (<1000 miles, 12/24 hour TT’s, and gravel ultras.)
“Greg Grandgeorge you are nothing short of amazing! Your time and commitment to my success this season have been phenomenal. We dialed in nutrition/pacing/gear. Training plans were made and edited to fit around my busy schedule and ongoing needs. And as always, you helped finesse my strengths and correct my weaknesses with thoughtful insight, some serious chart geekery (which I love), and reams of valuable references which I will be coming back to and still be trying get through well into the winter months. :) You are a fantastic coach and friend. I’m so happy to share this win with you! You had a huge hand in the success of this event and I couldn’t have done it without you!”
“I’ve been logging lots of long sweaty miles the past few weeks training for my first ever 12-hour time trial in September! Greg Grandgeorge you are amazing in your ability craft training that continues to push my limits and growth! I may be turning a year older this week, but I’m pretty sure I can give some of the younger girls a run for their money 😂😉.
Training for this race has been one of the hardest and most rewarding things I’ve ever done. My coach, Greg Grandgeorge, T2MCoach did an amazing job with my training plan and I felt the strongest and most fit I’ve ever been in my life. I was still a nervous wreck, but I didn’t doubt my fitness for a minute because I knew he had me right where I needed to be.”
“I did the Ireland Mizen to Malin course in 17 hrs 36 mins and now am the first person to achieve the Cycling Ireland standard of faster than 19 hours. I am really delighted as I felt super strong all day. I will now be the first in the Cycling Ireland Place to Place records and Ive set a good time to beat.
My power output has been really good and I wanted to tell you that I benefited greatly from the last few years training with you. This result is certainly a result of my continued progress training under your guidance! ”
“Well, we did it... a win at Trans Iowa! Thank you for all the effort you put into coaching me. The attention to detail and advice... I couldn’t have done it without your help.”
“I felt like I was very well prepared. Training Wise, I think we “done good”! Lots of those long Saturdays I really wanted to be with family, but it worked as well. I think you did a wonderful job working it in with an 8-12 hr/day job. I really rode around thinking I had a secret weapon. ”
Triathlon / Running
“After my six year old son completed two youth triathlons over the summer I thought completing my first sprint triathlon at the age of 40 would be a good challenge for me. The only problem was I had never learned a proper distance swim stroke. I could barely make it 50 meters without being exhausted. After four weeks of training sessions with Carmen (her pedigree is impressive) I was confident that I could complete the 750 meter swim portion of the race. Our Training sessions included drills using flippers, a kickboard, swim paddles and buoys, to improve my swim stroke. We also swam side by side and practiced different scenarios encountered during an open water swim. With Carmen’s training and encouragement I was able to complete the swim and my first triathlon. With her continued support my goal is to improve my swim time and technique.”
“I have an amazing coach, Greg Grandgeorge, who took care of the analytical aspect and training plans. He told me what to do, and I did it. He was tough, but is clearly a triathlon and cycling genius.”
“Thank you for coaching me! You have changed my life. During this year I have learned so much about training, limits, strength and endurance. Today, I walk a little taller, I have more confidence and am more self assured. ”
“Since the cross country season has wrapped up, I want to thank you for training me these past two xc seasons. Without your help I would of never came into the season as prepared as I was this year and attained the goals that I did because of the advantage I had with your training over the summer. I know that you are very busy so it means a lot to me every season when you agree to help me. I will never be able to tell you how grateful I am for your workouts and your coaching”
“During my time working with Greg, he helped me move from being completely new to triathlons, to competing for top spots in local triathlons, and even qualifying for USAT Nationals. Besides creating specific plans and workouts via TrainingPeaks, Greg takes extra time to help me better understand training strategy as well as evaluating ongoing workout performance. I have lots of questions, and Greg answers every one of them fully for me to better understand and become a better athlete. He also helps me with creating detailed race plans, to help me perform at my best on race day. He reviews all my workouts, responds quickly to my questions and comments, and is actively engaged in my success.”